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And so it goes...where are we now? Moving back West. Still busy busy busy, but I am NOT going to fill my plate as full as it was in VA. Ainslee age 6, is in Kindergarten and is super smart. Nolal age 3, is full of energy and love. He makes all who meet him smile. Jeff...working hard and making me happy. Gena almost 30, is looking to find new gyms to kick some turbo butt and is going to open the in home salon soon.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Advice from the Good Dr.

Ainslee has this doll named Kristi and it is more alive than you and I. She changes its clothes, feeds it, breast feeds it (thanks to all my friends currently breast feeding REAL babies) puts it in its car seat etc. If things with Kristi aren't just right she freaks out. Kristi is becoming the third child I didn't want. Yesterday I put all the kids in the car and Kristi's seat belt was not on right. We needed to go so I left it as is. Ainslee Freaked out! Yelling, kicking, telling me Kristi wasn't safe. I had enough and calmly took Kristi to the front seat and continued to drive. Needless to say Ainslee went through the roof. She was telling me Kristi was going to die if we got in an accident, and that she wouldn't stop yelling until I buckled her in. I stayed calm and said over and over...it's ok everything is ok (out loud, more advice from the Dr. Calming my self and hopefully the kids). Nolan started YELLING, "Mom, mom lee lee mad at you!" over and over. I wanted to drive off the road! This went on for the ENTIRE 20 minute drive to preschool. I had my appointment with the Good Dr. in the afternoon and she gave me some good car advice I wanted to share.
When I picked Ainslee up from school I told her I had been thinking and the situation we had earlier in the day was not safe. I told her we could get in an accident and mommy needed it calm to drive. Per the Dr. I told her that from now on if things get too loud, if she and Nolan are fighting or if there is too much whining I would have to pull over until it was safe to drive again. Dr. Schooner suggests being prepared with a book, cross word, nail polish, what ever you wish, and calmly with out word, pull over when the situation calls for it. The kids will quickly learn that they don't get to go unless they shape up. She said she did that with her kids until they were in Jr. high. Long road trips what ever. It is a logical consequence, not, "if you don't stop we will go home" or what have you. I am excited to try, as going anywhere from our house takes at least 15-20 min.


Tanner Family Blog said...

so weird...just as I was reading this about your daughter's doll...the Today Show was on and doing a segment about people who treat their baby dolls like real babies...weird conincidence!!!

Anyway, I am so happy you are blogging. I loved the idea your doc gave about the car and I am going to try it Today!

Woodards said...

Totally going to try the car idea. Thank you!!! I am so tired of the car "incidents"!!!