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And so it goes...where are we now? Moving back West. Still busy busy busy, but I am NOT going to fill my plate as full as it was in VA. Ainslee age 6, is in Kindergarten and is super smart. Nolal age 3, is full of energy and love. He makes all who meet him smile. Jeff...working hard and making me happy. Gena almost 30, is looking to find new gyms to kick some turbo butt and is going to open the in home salon soon.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The first test

One the way to school Ainslee was melting over lunch being wrong. We had to go and half way up the street I pulled over. She stopped crying instantly. I started driving and she said, "Tell me again why it is dangerous for you to drive when I cry" I told her it was distracting etc and she said no its not, its because the police will come and take you to jail. Whatever her logic. It totally worked!!! Thanks Dr. Schooner!


Amy said...

You keep at it... you rock!

Shelby said...

Yeah sounds like a great doctor!

Hi Gena! I'm so glad you started a blog. I love yours! Derek and I have one though I have not been very diligent recently. It's derekandshelby.blogspot.com if you want to look at it!

What I have been doing for blogging is I made one for 5 friends and I that are all at different schools now and we each have a password to see it -that is fun.

Thanks for the little stories of your life. I think you're doing a great job! Have a great week!


Jenn said...

I think you are awsome. I wish it worked that fast with my kids. My problem is i have a 9 year old who thinks he knows everything. thanks by the way about looking great. it is all thanks to you and your magical diet.

Aaron + Kayti said...

holy crap that sweet. i think your first test went over well! my used to do that to us when we would drive back from salem late at night--it worked for me i dont know about nate tho;)
i love reading your stories. well put.