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And so it goes...where are we now? Moving back West. Still busy busy busy, but I am NOT going to fill my plate as full as it was in VA. Ainslee age 6, is in Kindergarten and is super smart. Nolal age 3, is full of energy and love. He makes all who meet him smile. Jeff...working hard and making me happy. Gena almost 30, is looking to find new gyms to kick some turbo butt and is going to open the in home salon soon.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Take time to Make time

So I have really been working on taking time to make time. I am really good at doing it for aerobics and that's about it. So here I am making daily schedules and planning out every second of the day. Maybe this way I can blog and keep up. Ainslee is doing soccer and likes it except you have to run, its hot and she gets sweaty. So I am not sure we will be signing up next season. She is enjoying her second year of preschool and is getting really good at writing her letters. Nolan hit a new stage. The WHINING stage. UGH, Jeff is not happy! Nolan has a strong head like Ainslee and in the past has been passive if he didn't get his way. This is no longer the case. He knows what he wants and is very sad if he doesn't get it. He also loves everything. It is sooo cute. He says things like, "I love this my blankey mom" or "I love this my block". He loves all his toys, clothes, food, you name it he loves it. The season is starting to change and I am welcoming the cooler weather. I, yes me, am looking forward to putting on warmer clothes and starting the fire place. Jeff is home earlier and is free to help me get Ainslee from school on days I do hair. Halloween is just around the corner and yesterday we put up decorations. Each year I think, I should have done this myself instead of asking for the kids help. Ainslee and I decorate much differently and were both adamant as to where things should go. We both compromised and the house is very festive. I really like this time of year.