So what can I say I have been a slacker. I can attribute it to many things. First, Christmas. We had a great Christmas morning alone and Gma and Gpa Burns along with Matt came that afternoon to visit for a week. It was really cold but Jerry and Jeff went to work and built the kids an amazing play will come when I can find where Nolan put the camera. It was great having them here. Nolan with his overly extensive vocabulary asked Grandpa at breakfast one morning,
"Gampa, you got a dog"
"Do you got a cat"
"Do you got hot coco"
"Do you got ceal" (cereal)
"OK I come to your house"
That's my boy checking out the options before he decides to go anywhere.
January came and went before I knew it today was Ainslee's Valentines day party at school. I have been unusually busy for this time of year with hair. Normally after Christmas there is a lull in the hair world, but not this year and let me tell you I needed it!. I woke up New Years day to find out I didn't have a job at Lady of America any more. They closed their doors. Just like that. Packed up and moved out with out telling any body! People in my class were at first mad at me because they thought I knew something about it. Not that we totally depend on that money but it helps a ton with co pays to Dr's and the many prescriptions we have been filling lately. I was really pissed at first. Jeff, being the business man he is, looked at it from their perspective and thought they must have totally been hurting to do such a thing. It took a week or so but I am over it and actually a lot better off. I found a new gym to teach at that pays me twice what I was making, and has a lot better equipment.
So the other thing that has kept me from blogging is...thanks to my mom and sisters....face book. I didn't want to do I didn't. I had already done myspace and started my blog and only wanted to focus on one thing and then they kept asking me to do stay connected with the family. Well wouldn't you know. It's like the myspcae connection allover again accept better. I have gotten in touch with more people and family than ever before. I kind of feel bad for myspace because I know a lot of people that switched over and don't even use it anymore. So now I am doing what I said I wouldn't and spending time on facebook as of late instead of updating my blog, not to mention playing with the kids or cleaning the house. LOL Oh well.
Sorry to say not many picture updates mentioned the camera is MIA. As soon as I find it I will post.